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  • Writer's pictureShania Catania

Thinking of Re-branding?

Updated: Aug 29, 2023

A re-brand is a big decision, but it’s not one that should be taken lightly. Re-branding can be an expensive, time-consuming process – and if you get it wrong, you run the risk of alienating customers and losing their trust forever. The good news is there are lots of steps you can take before embarking on your re-brand journey to make sure it's successful!

What are the triggers that make you think it's time to re-brand?

When you're thinking about re-branding, there are a few things you should consider:

  • What is your brand positioning? Are you clear on what type of business or organization you are and the image that comes with it?

  • Who are your customers? How do they see themselves and what do they want from brands like yours?

  • What does your business stand for? Are there goals that need to be achieved before taking the next step in growing your business or organization, such as becoming more profitable or expanding into new markets?

  • What is your content strategy that will be communicating all this information effectively - visually engaging consumers and viewers to take action with your social media platforms that at times can also lead to sales.

Getting clear on your positioning

Positioning is the process of creating a framework for how your brand is seen and differentiated in the mind of the consumer. It’s not just about what you do, it’s also about why you do it and how you stand out from your competitors.

It’s important to understand your positioning before re-branding because a new design or logo won't help if it doesn't align with your current positioning statement.

It's not just about visuals

Design is not just about visuals. Design is about the experience, the brand story, and how you communicate with your audience. It's all about context.

If you're considering rebranding your company, it's important to consider who you're trying to reach, how they will interact with your brand, and how can you build trust with them by creating a consistent experience for them. These are questions that have been asked of us many times in our careers as designers working with clients on producing new visual identities for their companies or organizations; we've learned a lot from these experiences so we thought we'd share some tips that might help guide others as they consider rebranding themselves or their business.

Don’t make assumptions about what you should be doing. Take the time to explore ways of improving your brand strategy and design.

Let’s be honest: re-branding is scary. The idea of changing things up can be terrifying, and if you don’t know where to start or what to do, it can seem like an insurmountable task. But re-branding doesn’t have to involve a complete overhaul or resetting everything from the ground up (we promise!). Rebranding is about understanding what your brand represents and how you want it to communicate that message. Creating a new design for your logo is only one aspect of this process; there are many other elements that go into crafting an effective brand strategy—and we aren't just talking about design elements here!

Before you start designing anything, take some time away from your computer screen and consider these questions:

  • Who are my customers?

  • Why should they care about my product/service?

  • How can I best communicate who I am as an organization?

  • What words do I want people to use when they talk about me or my business?

These questions will help you better understand not only what makes sense for your organization as a whole but also how best to convey those messages through design decisions later on down the road (i.e., no matter how great that new logo looks in black & white).


If you’re about to embark on a re-branding exercise, we would love to hear from you. Looking for someone who can help you think through the best way forward? Just get in touch with us on our contact page, or send us an email at


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